**The Miracle of CAR-T Therapy in China: Mrs. Li’s Battle Against Lymphoma** In the long journey of life, cancer often strikes like a sudden storm, leaving patients and their families devastated. Mrs. Li, a young and resilient mother from China, was no exception. Two years ago, she was diagnosed with relapsed and refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin Read More
patient story
### The Courage to Be First: China’s CAR-T Pioneer, “Emily of China,” Celebrates 6 Years in Complete Remission! #CART #PatientStory #lymphoma #TP53 #DLBCL #CARTTherapy Meet Mrs. Qin, a true fighter and the first brave patient in China to receive Fosun Kite’s Axicabtagene Ciloleucel in a CAR-T clinical trial. Her story is one of hope, perseverance, Read More
**Иностранные пациенты ищут лечение: Лучшая терапия CAR-T в Китае! Первый российский пациент с множественной миеломой успешно очистил опухоль и достиг CR!** В течение пяти лет после постановки диагноза высокорисковой множественной миеломы, господин Ф. испытывал невыносимые страдания. Несмотря на различные схемы химиотерапии и два пересадок, ему не удавалось полностью избавиться от кошмара непредсказуемых рецидивов и прогрессирования Read More
**Seeking Medical Treatment Abroad: The Best CAR-T Therapy is in China! The First Russian Multiple Myeloma Patient Successfully Achieves Complete Tumor Clearance and CR!** Over the five years following his diagnosis of high-risk multiple myeloma, Mr. F endured relentless pain. Despite undergoing various chemotherapy regimens and two transplants, he could never completely escape the nightmare Read More
Celebrating Discharge: The Joy of a New Life/ Hope /Multiple myeloma After a period of treatment, the Singaporean patient Teresa achieved remarkable results with CAR-T therapy at Jiahui International Hospital in Shanghai. Her condition reached complete remission (CR), and to celebrate this great news, the hospital held a brief yet heartwarming celebration for her. Read More
###庆祝出院:新生的喜悦 经过一段时间的治疗,新加坡患者Teresa在上海嘉会国际医院的CAR-T治疗取得了令人振奋的成果。她的病情完全达到了完全缓解(CR),在这一喜讯的见证下,医院为她举行了一场简短而温馨的庆祝活动。 在庆祝合影中,Teresa与Dr. Vicky Lee及其团队的医生护士们笑容满面,洋溢着胜利的喜悦。照片不仅记录了这份喜悦,也见证了医护人员的辛勤付出和专业精神。Dr. Vicky Lee和团队的每一位成员都是真正的英雄,他们用专业知识和无私奉献帮助Teresa战胜了病魔。 Teresa感慨万千,她说:“这段时间的治疗过程虽然艰辛,但在嘉会医院医生和护士们的悉心照料下,我感受到了无比的温暖与支持。他们的专业和关怀让我充满了信心,最终取得了这样的好结果。” 出院那天,医护人员为Teresa送上了最真挚的祝福。护士们亲切地叮嘱她出院后的注意事项,确保她在回家后的康复过程中能够继续保持良好的健康状态。Teresa感激地与每一位医护人员道别,感谢他们在她最需要的时候给予的关爱和支持。 站在医院门口,Teresa回望这段治疗旅程,心中充满了感激和希望。她知道,正是因为有了这些无私奉献、专业卓越的医护人员,她才能重新拥抱健康,迎接新的生活。 Teresa的康复故事不仅是她个人的胜利,更是嘉会医院全体医护人员共同努力的成果。她深深感谢他们的辛勤付出,并相信未来将会有更多的患者在这里获得新生的希望。 我们将持续关注患者的治疗后续,并跟进报道。 #CART #CARTTherapy #Hopeforpatients #FUCASO #Equecel #MultipleMyeloma #jihuiHospital #Shanghai #ChineseCart #MedicalInnovation #MedicalBreakthrough #CancerTreatment #FullyHumanCART #cancerfight #cancersurvivor #Jiahuihospital
### Light of Hope – The Starting Point for Multiple Myeloma Patients Ms. Teresa sat in the comfortable seat of the apheresis room, watching the nurse gently insert the needle into her arm to draw the precious white blood cell samples. These white blood cells would become the core material for CAR-T therapy, engineered and Read More
希望之光-多发性骨髓瘤患者的起点 Teresa女士坐在单采室的舒适座位上,注视着护士轻柔地在她手臂上穿刺,抽取宝贵的白细胞样本。这些白细胞将成为CAR-T治疗的核心材料,经过工程化后,将再次注入她体内,成为对抗癌症的力量源泉。 手术室内,机器轻声运转,精密地分离出Teresa身体中的T细胞。这些细胞,此前在她的身体内忠实执行着保护机体的职责,如今将被重新教育,成为一支针对癌细胞的精确打击队伍。Teresa闭上眼睛,心中默默祈祷这次单采能为她的身体注入战斗的力量,将病魔赶出她的生命。 单采过程持续了几个小时,医护人员细心地监控着每一个步骤,确保采集到足够数量和质量的细胞。这些细胞的提取不仅是技术上的挑战,更是对医疗团队专业能力的严格考验。 完成单采后,Teresa感到轻松了一些。她知道,这只是漫长治疗过程中的第一步,但也是希望之光的重要起点。在单采室内,她感受到了医护团队的温暖和专业,这让她对未来的治疗充满信心和希望。 回到病房,Teresa在床上轻轻闭上了眼睛。她思考着接下来的日子将如何展开,希望这次单采能为她带来战胜疾病的力量,让她重获新生。 单采,作为治疗之旅的第一步,铸就了Teresa勇敢抗癌的新篇章,也为她未来的康复之路点燃了希望的火光。 #希望之路 #ThePathOfHope #与癌症抗争 #FightingCancer #CART治疗之旅 #JourneyOfCARTTherapy #携手同济 #TogetherWithTongji #全人源CART #FullyHumanCART #FUCASO希望 #HopeWithFUCASO #EquecelApproval #健康重生 #HealthReborn #共同祈愿 #UnitedInPrayer #MultipleMyeloma
**The Journey of an Indian Cancer Patient Seeking Treatment in China: Gratitude to Be Brought Back to India** “Before coming to China for treatment, I was filled with worries. My condition was not optimistic, and I was afraid I might never see my family again… But after arriving here, everyone I met was so warm Read More
22 Days from Desperation to Rebirth! Chinese CAR-T Therapy Creates Survival Miracle for Thai Multiple Myeloma Patient Subtitle: Fighting for Love! A story of miraculous rebirth after all treatment options failed for a late-stage multiple myeloma patient in Thailand, who underwent CAR-T therapy in China. Preface: When all treatment options had been exhausted, cancer progressed Read More
22 Days from Desperation to Rebirth! Chinese CAR-T Therapy Creates Survival Miracle for Thai Multiple Myeloma Patient In July 2017, 58-year-old Ms. M was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. After receiving treatments at the best hospital in Thailand, including PCD, DVD, bortezomib and lenalidomide, autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The disease rapidly relapsed. Local doctors informed Read More
**Заголовок: Ключевые этапы прецизионного лечения: подробный обзор инфузии CAR-T у российского пациента в шанхайской больнице Jiahui** Владимир Борзёнков, 68-летний пациент из Санкт-Петербурга, Россия, недавно завершил ключевой этап терапии CAR-T — реинфузию — в международной больнице Jiahui в Шанхае. Этот важный шаг включает повторное введение Т-клеток, которые были генетически модифицированы для распознавания и атаки определённых раковых Read More