Couple smiling.

therapy for

Immunotherapy enhances the power of a patient’s immune system to attack tumors. An immunotherapy approach, called chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy, uses patients’ own immune cells to treat their cancer

What Is CAR T Cell Therapy?

CAR T cell therapy provides engineered molecules called chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) that recognize and destroy antigens present on the surface of lymphoma cells. T cells are removed from patients and genetically modified to produce CARs. The genetically engineered CAR T cells are grown in the laboratory until they number in the billions and are then infused back into the patient.

How Does CAR T-cell Therapy Work?

In CAR T-cell therapy for lymphoma, a lab modifies a patient's blood cells to help them fight cancer cells in the blood. Once a patient's blood is drawn, a lab engineers the T-cells to gain a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR), which can bind to a protein on the cancer cells. The CAR T-cells are multiplied to produce more engineered T-cells. When there are enough of these special cells, they are reintroduced to the patient via a blood infusion.malignant plasma cells then produce an abnormal antibody called M protein, high levels of which are a hallmark characteristic of multiple myeloma.

Diagram of bone structure, plasma cells, and multiple myeloma cells.

Approved CAR T Cell Therapies in Lymphoma

Approved CAR T Cell therapies include:

Approved drug Approved drug indication
Axicabtagene Ciloleucel (Yescarta)
  • Treatment targeting CD19 for patients with certain types of relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphoma after at least two other kinds of treatment. (DLBCL not otherwise specified; primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma; high-grade B-cell lymphoma; DLBCL arising from FL).
  • For the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma (FL) after two or more lines of systemic therapy
Brexucabtagene Autoleucel (Tecartus)
  • Treatment targeting CD19 for patients with relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma (MCL).
  • Lisocabtagene Maraleucel (Breyanzi)
    • Treatment targeting CD19 for patients with certain types of large B-cell lymphoma, including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) not otherwise specified (including DLBCL arising from indolent lymphoma), high-grade B-cell lymphoma, primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma, and follicular lymphoma grade 3B, who have not responded to, or who have relapsed after, at least two other types of systemic treatment.
    Tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah)
    • Treatment targeting CD19 for patients with certain types of relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphoma after two or more lines of systemic therapy. (DLBCL not otherwise specified; high grade B-cell lymphoma; DLBCL arising from FL)

    CAR T Cell Process

    1. Leukapheresis

    Your T cells are obtained through a process called leukapheresis, which usually takes three to four hours.

    2. T-Cell Engineering

    The T cells are sent to a processing center where they are genetically engineered to target your lymphoma.

    3. CAR T Cell Transport

    Once enough of the CAR-T cells are available at the processing center, the cells are frozen for transport to your certified treatment center.

    4. Lymphodepleting Chemotherapy

    A few days prior to your CAR-T cell infusion, you will receive low-dose chemotherapy.

    5. CAR T Cell Infusion

    A few days after completing chemotherapy, you will receive your CAR-T cells at your certified treatment center.

    6. CAR T Cells Attack the Lymphoma

    Once the CAR-T cells enter your body, they begin to multiply and attack the lymphoma cells.

    Patient Stories

    • ### Light of Hope – The Starting Point for Multiple Myeloma Patients Ms. Teresa sat in the comfortable seat of the apheresis room, watching the nurse gently insert the needle into her arm to draw the precious white blood cell samples. These white blood cells would become the core material for CAR-T therapy, engineered and Read More

      Light of Hope - The Starting Point for Multiple Myeloma Patients
    • 希望之光-多发性骨髓瘤患者的起点 Teresa女士坐在单采室的舒适座位上,注视着护士轻柔地在她手臂上穿刺,抽取宝贵的白细胞样本。这些白细胞将成为CAR-T治疗的核心材料,经过工程化后,将再次注入她体内,成为对抗癌症的力量源泉。 手术室内,机器轻声运转,精密地分离出Teresa身体中的T细胞。这些细胞,此前在她的身体内忠实执行着保护机体的职责,如今将被重新教育,成为一支针对癌细胞的精确打击队伍。Teresa闭上眼睛,心中默默祈祷这次单采能为她的身体注入战斗的力量,将病魔赶出她的生命。 单采过程持续了几个小时,医护人员细心地监控着每一个步骤,确保采集到足够数量和质量的细胞。这些细胞的提取不仅是技术上的挑战,更是对医疗团队专业能力的严格考验。 完成单采后,Teresa感到轻松了一些。她知道,这只是漫长治疗过程中的第一步,但也是希望之光的重要起点。在单采室内,她感受到了医护团队的温暖和专业,这让她对未来的治疗充满信心和希望。 回到病房,Teresa在床上轻轻闭上了眼睛。她思考着接下来的日子将如何展开,希望这次单采能为她带来战胜疾病的力量,让她重获新生。 单采,作为治疗之旅的第一步,铸就了Teresa勇敢抗癌的新篇章,也为她未来的康复之路点燃了希望的火光。 #希望之路 #ThePathOfHope #与癌症抗争 #FightingCancer #CART治疗之旅 #JourneyOfCARTTherapy #携手同济 #TogetherWithTongji #全人源CART #FullyHumanCART #FUCASO希望 #HopeWithFUCASO #EquecelApproval #健康重生 #HealthReborn #共同祈愿 #UnitedInPrayer #MultipleMyeloma


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