Profile Description

Mi Ruihua, Master, Deputy Chief Physician, Hematology Department, Henan Cancer Hospital. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood diseases, and has in-depth research in the molecular diagnosis and individualized treatment of blood tumors, especially leukemia. In 2011, he graduated from Zhengzhou University with a master’s degree in hematology. In the same year after graduation, he entered the Department of Hematology of Henan Cancer Hospital and worked in the research direction of molecular diagnosis and targeted therapy of leukemia. In 2016, he began his doctoral study. He presided over one project of the Science and Technology Department of Henan Province and one project of the Health Department of Henan Province, participated in a number of national and provincial projects, published more than 30 papers in core journals such as SCI and Chinese Medical Association Chinese series journals, and won 3 Henan Province Science and Technology Achievement Progress Awards. Henan Provincial Society of Immunology Blood Immunology Committee Standing Committee and secretary, Provincial Research Hospital Society blood tumor precision diagnosis and treatment Committee Standing Committee, Provincial Medical Society hematology branch of the first anti-infection group secretary, provincial Society of Immunology of the third session of the board of directors, provincial life care Association Henan slow ball Alliance member, provincial life care Association lymphoma alliance member.


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