Profile Description

CAI Zhen, female, professor, chief physician, doctoral supervisor. He is currently the director of Multiple myeloma Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University. 151 talents of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Provincial Health high-level innovative talents, Chairman of the Hematologic Tumor Special Committee of Zhejiang Anticancer Association, member of the Immune Group of Experimental Hematology Special Committee of Chinese Pathophysiological Society, and head of the Immune Tolerance and lymphatic tumor subgroup of Experimental Hematology Special Committee of Chinese Pathophysiological Society, Member of the Hematology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and deputy head of the plasma Cell Disease Group, Standing Committee of the Hematologic Lymphoid tumor Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and deputy head of the multiple myeloma Group. In particular, Professor CAI Zhen has rich clinical experience in the field of diagnosis and treatment of multiple myeloma. In 2008, she established the multiple myeloma Treatment Center of the First Hospital of Zhejiang University and served as the director of the center. She conducted systematic research on the clinical and pathogenesis of the disease and established a new risk stratification treatment model for multiple myeloma based on basic research. In addition, the model has been clinically promoted and applied in many hospitals inside and outside the province, so as to optimize the overall treatment of multiple myeloma and improve the curative effect, which has practical guiding significance for improving the prognosis of myeloma patients, and has achieved obvious economic and social benefits. As the project leader, he undertook the project “Establishment and application research of a new risk stratification model for multiple myeloma”, which won the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of Zhejiang Province in 2013 and the first prize of Medicine and Health of Zhejiang Province in 2013. “Multiple myeloma Drug Resistance Mechanism and Clinical Research” won the second prize of the Ministry of Education in 2018


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