About Us

Tongji Hospital was founded in Shanghai in 1900 by Erich Bolon, a German physician. Moved to Wuhan in 1955, after more than 120 years of construction and development, Nowadays, it has become a modern comprehensive hospital of the National Health Commission, which integrates medical treatment, teaching, science and innovation, public health and hospital management research, with complete disciplines, talented and famous doctors, abundant teachers, exquisite medical technology, advanced diagnosis and treatment equipment, strong scientific research strength, and scientific management methods. Its comprehensive strength ranks in the forefront of domestic hospitals.

Inherit the essence of century-old culture and cultivate medical elite. Among them, Chen Xiaoping was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015, Martin was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2017, there are nearly 70 winners of various national talent projects, and 97 people enjoy special government subsidies of The State Council.

Attach importance to platform construction, strong specialty strength. The hospital now has 63 clinical and medical departments in Hankou, Optics Valley and ZhongFrench New Town. It is the World Health Organization Rehabilitation Training Center, the national Medical Center for major public health events, the founding unit of the national medical center for counseling, the National Clinical Medical Research Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the export unit of the national regional medical center construction jointly built by the province of Venezuela; It is a pilot hospital for the construction of national high-quality development and the establishment and improvement of modern hospital management system. It has 11 national key disciplines (including 3 cultivation disciplines) and 40 national clinical key specialty construction projects (second in the country); 1 national key laboratory, 3 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, 2 key laboratories of the National Health Commission and 5 key laboratories of Hubei Province; There are 23 Hubei Quality control centers, 14 Hubei provincial clinical medical research centers, and 3 Hubei engineering research centers.

Medical services based in central China, radiate the whole country, the main medical indicators in the forefront of the country, Jingchu best. Actively explore new services, create new medical services, and comprehensively build “Tongji Cloud Medical”, and the number of connected hospital services will reach 2.16 million in 2022. National tertiary public hospital performance assessment A+.

Spring and autumn fruits, peaches and plums fragrant. Tongji Hospital is unique in China for its rigorous academic research. There are 13 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering here. Training of three Ministers and vice-Ministers of Health of the Republic; It has nurtured countless talents in the Chinese medical field. The contemporary medical saint Qiu Fazu academician is an outstanding representative among them, and his “Qiu style” is praised as an immortal monument in the history of medicine. The number of chief editors and deputy chief editors of national planning textbooks for clinical medicine in People’s Medical Publishing House ranks first among all hospitals in the country, the course Introduction to Medicine has been selected as the Ideological and political demonstration course of the Ministry of Education, and the teaching team has been selected as the famous teachers and teams of ideological and political teaching.

Scientific research and innovation, showing “Tongji phenomenon”. In 2021, China’s hospital science and technology value and the five-year total science and technology value ranked fourth in the country and first in Central and South China; For 11 consecutive years, the number of National Natural Science Foundation projects exceeded 100; In 2017, the number reached 157, ranking first in the country’s medical institutions; The number of international papers cited in the fifth decade ranked second among national medical institutions; In 2021, the number of SCIE papers in our hospital ranked third among medical institutions, the number of international papers cited ranked third among medical institutions, and the number of outstanding scientific and technological papers ranked fifth among medical institutions. 11 achievements won the national Science and Technology Progress Award, invention award and Natural Science Award second prize.

Management innovation, build a strong quality hospital. It has launched a series of new models of medical management, performance management, multi-hospital management and department management with Tongji characteristics, and actively promoted quality certification and quality strong hospitals. In 2012, Tongji Hospital passed the German KTQ quality certification, and in 2015 passed the German KTQ certification review; In 2017, the Department of Surgery won the “China Quality Award Nomination Award”, and the hospital won the “Seventh Wuhan Mayor Quality Award”; In 2019, the hospital won the “Hubei Yangtze River Quality Award”; The hospital won the first prize of the Chinese Hospital Association Hospital Science and Technology Innovation Award twice.

Open integration is the distinctive feature of Tongji Hospital moving towards internationalization. It has long-term cooperative relations with more than 70 universities and medical institutions in 25 countries and regions such as Germany, the United States, Japan, France and Russia.

We are in the same boat with the country and the people. In the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, Tongji Hospital, as the vanguard of the fight against the epidemic, took the initiative to expand the fever clinic 50 times the number of patients, and took the initiative to open the Sino-French New Town Hospital and Optics Valley Hospital as the main battlefields of the fight against the epidemic. The number of critical beds, the number of patients receiving fever, and the number of patients receiving severe diseases are the highest in China; China took the lead in issuing a Quick Guide on the Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19, with 72 guidelines and consensus. The “Tongji model” of severe treatment was created and promoted by the medical treatment team of the Joint prevention and control mechanism of The State Council. The Central Propaganda Department awarded the honorable title of “Model of The Times”; It won the honorable title of “National Advanced Collective in Fighting the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia”.

The hospital has been awarded the title of “National Civilized Unit” for 17 consecutive years, and has been awarded the honorable title of “National May Day Labor Award”, “National Top Ten Units for the Construction of Professional Ethics of Employees” and “National Advanced Collective of Health System”. In 2020 and 2021, Fudan’s China Hospital ranking ranked sixth in the country and first in Central and Southern China (top ten in the country for ten consecutive years). In 2021, the National Health and Health Commission issued a double satisfaction survey of medical staff and patients, ranking first in general hospitals in the country.

  • Established_In 1900
  • Hospital_Grade Top three general hospital

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