
Breakthrough in Reducing Lupus with Successful Application of CAR-T Dual Target Technology

🌈Breakthrough in Reducing Lupus with Successful Application of CAR-T Dual Target Technology 🌟



🏥 The Zhongshan City People’s Hospital has successfully employed CAR-T dual-target technology to cure a patient suffering from refractory systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This marks the world’s first successful case, providing a groundbreaking avenue for future treatments of similar diseases.
👩‍⚕️ Yin, a 29-year-old patient, was diagnosed with lupus in 2015. Despite seeking treatment in multiple hospitals and undergoing various therapies, including a cranial surgery in 2021, her condition worsened, leading to lupus nephritis and neurological complications. Then came the revolutionary CAR-T therapy.
💡 Dr. He, the patient’s doctor, explained: “After the seventh attempt with traditional treatments, the patient’s urinary protein did not decrease, and lung lesions appeared. Traditional and biological treatments were not effective, so we decided to try CAR-T therapy. This process involves culturing lymphocytes outside the body that can produce human immune factors. Using genetic engineering, we make them cells with targeted killing capabilities. These cells are then reintroduced into the patient’s body, selectively eliminating ‘pathogenic seeds.'”



🙌 Yin expressed her gratitude, saying: “The red spots on my body have disappeared, and I no longer need hormone medications or immunosuppressants. My mental state is also great, and all indicators are excellent. Today is my third checkup, and the results of the first two were also very positive. I thank these healthcare professionals for giving me a second life.”

#CARTTreatment #LupusBreakthrough #MedicalMiracle #HealthcareInnovation #CART #Lupus

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