
A Miraculous Journey: Israeli Artist Finds Cure for Multiple Myeloma in Hangzhou China

A Miraculous Journey: Israeli Artist Finds Cure for Multiple Myeloma in Hangzhou China🌟
    In a remarkable medical story, we turn our attention to the experiences of a friend seeking treatment in Hangzhou China. Tali, a well-known artist from Israel. In 2012, she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a malignant blood disease, and after seeking treatment in various European countries, including Israel and France, she found no definitive cure. In a moment of despair, she discovered a solution from Hangzhou, China, through the European Bone Marrow Transplant Association.🌟
    On October 6th, Tali and her family boarded a flight from Israel to Hangzhou. Under the meticulous care of Professor Huang He and his team at Zhejiang University’s First Hospital, Tali underwent over a month of intensive treatment. Today, Tali is finally on the road to recovery, expressing her gratitude to the medical staff through her preferred medium – art.🌟
    In the hospital room, Tali and Professor Huang He share laughs and conversations. The weather looks promising, initially being skeptical about her health when arriving in Hangzhou, encouragement from the medical team reignited her hope for recovery. Using her artistic language, she documented every moment of the treatment process.
After undergoing treatment, the excruciating bone pain gradually lessened, indicating a positive turn in her health. 🌟
    “I can feel my body improving bit by bit. Green cells are gradually replacing the red ones, and my bone pain has completely disappeared. There are no tumor cells in the bone marrow anymore – they have vanished entirely.” Tali expressed.🌟
    The advanced treatment utilized at Zhejiang University’s First Hospital involves cutting-edge blood cell separation technology. Lymphocytes are extracted and genetically engineered to attack malignant tumor cells, successfully curing multiple myeloma. This revolutionary technique is known as CAR-T cell therapy. Zhejiang University’s First Hospital stands out as one of the earliest and most experienced clinical research centers using this technology, making it a pioneer in the field.🌟
    In here we bring you this inspiring story from Hangzhou, where art, science, and the human spirit come together in a tale of triumph over adversity.🌟

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